Tuesday, January 17, 2012

California trip 8 - 17-Mile Drive and Point Lobos

December 23rd 2011-
Just south of Monterrey and Pacific Grove starts the 17-mile drive, a road with beautiful scenery all along. We took almost 2 hours since we stopped at the different lookouts and just took our time enjoying the view. It ends with Pebble Beach and its world-famous golf course.
The famous Monterrey sea otter in its natural habitat!
You need a close-up to figure out what is on this "Bird Rock":Seals! And alot of them...
Last stop of 17-mile drive, The Lone Cypress, loyal to its rock since over 250 years:
Coming out of the drive, you drive through the little town of Carmel, with its million dollar houses overlooking the ocean.
A little further we stopped at Point Lobos State Preserve, another must-see of the Central Coast.
It is a perfect place to spend a whole day just hiking the trails through the cypress forests and then following the rocky shores. We only could stay a couple hours but we still got to spot some whales in the distance! November and December is the season for them to migrate through the area.


F2a2 said...

beautiful pictures and interesting comments.... of a great TRIP
any plan for the next one ?

Chris said...

I love watching again and again these pictures. It remains me so many good memories !!!

Serial Voyageuse said...

Trop belle ma soeur cherie! Tu as des photos des baleines vies à l'horizon? Je les ai peut être pas vues avec les photos de petite taille...

Carole said...

@flofred - un long weekend a Chicago en juillet pour le moment et l'été au Kansas!
@Jojo - non je n'ai pas pu prendre de photos des "jets d'eau" des baleines, c'était trop loin et on ne savait pas ou elles allaient sortir, dommage...