Sunday, January 8, 2012

California trip 4 - Golden Gate Bridge

December 19th 2011 -
No trip to San Francisco is complete without seeing the Golden Gate Bridge. For the full experience, we decided to rent bikes and ride across it. We were lucky to have a beautiful December day with no fog, which is not so common here, especially during "June gloom" or "May grey".
You can already have beautiful views from the south east at Torpedo Fort Point, is then really impressive to cross it and you get beautiful views of the city:
Sausalito is on the other side of the bridge and also gives views of San Francisco:
Northwest of the bridge, views from Fort Barry and Point Bonita are amazing,
Behind the scenes...

We made it!


Anonymous said...

Et tout ça sans aucun nuage, bande de veinards !!!

Serial Voyageuse said...

Vous êtes trop beaux! Et bravo pour avoir réussi à passer de l'autre côté du pont à gauche (opposé de sausalito), ça monte à fond en vélo! Et sympa la photo panorama depuis sausalito!