After a great Christmas Eve dinner at our friend Cody's house in LA and a breakfast in the sun in his backyard on Christmas morning, we arrived in the afternoon to Joshua Tree National Park, the land of Dr Seuss... Do you see where he got his inspiration for the Green Eggs and Ham characters? Which American hasn't seen his books as kids??
But the park is not only about these funny looking Joshua trees, its also a paradise for rockclimbers, and if you don't have the climbing gear some rocks are perfect for scrambling!
We set camp in Ryan campground and had a beautiful sunsets that lit up the rocks in bright pink/orange... The night was very cold (below freezing!) but the sky was full of stars, amazing!
The next mroning we went up to Keys View from where you can see the San Andreas Fault, scrambled the rocks at Hidden Valley and Jumbo Rocks.
In the town of Joshua Tree, we ventured into a ghost-town-looking saloon and were surprised to find a delicious place for burgers.
I have to say Joshua Tree was one of my favorite part of the trip...
Jumbo Rocks :