We ended up driving 1207 miles in just 2 1/2 weeks! Here was our itinerary:
This was really an amazing trip, I can't believe all the beautiful sights we saw and exciting places we stopped at.
Its hard to decide which place I liked best, but the first thing that comes to my mind when someone asks me is (oddly enough?) Joshua Tree. I was impressed by those strange trees, so many of the them in the middle of nowhere and nowhere else... combined with the rocks which lit up before sunset and the atmosphere at the campground, it was incredible!
Another thing that left me a deep impression was all the wildlife we saw that I had never seen in their natural habitat or ever in real life : seals, sea otters, sealions, and even a glimpse at some whales far away!
Chris's favorites were, amongst many, walking around the incredible city of San Francisco and the amazing landscapes of Death Valley...
A trip neither of us are about to forget!

Chris a raison, ton blog est magic !!! Ahhh l'ouest américain, on espère y faire un séjour un jour. Ce qui est sûr, c'est que ce blog nous en donne l'envie....
Bravo Miss Carole,
see you
Chris a raison, ton blog est magic. Continue à nous faire voyager et partager ainsi...
Merci Miss Carole,
see you
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