Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mich's visit (2) - At the Pumpkin Patch

October 21st 2011

A tradition in the US that we do not have in France is to get pumkins for Halloween, and I found out you could actually go to a farm and pick it yourself! I now understand better the "Pumpkin Patch" episode of Charlie Brown from my childhood! For the "real" farm experience, you can even ride on back of the tractor on a hay bail to the field and back...

Look at the amazing colors of the field!

And if you don't have time to go pick it in the field, just take one of these!


Nancy said...

Carole, Great photos! Reading your posts makes me appreciate Kansas anew. Nancy

Anonymous said...

Api Niou Ieur à tous les 2 !!!!

Désolé mais on est pas fort en anglais ...

